The Problem:
Installing a tied, captive dispensing system where only one product format can be used for Handwash, Hand Sanitiser, and Hand Lotions is normal practice in the UK. These captive dispensing systems are routinely offered by most of the major suppliers to Hospitals and other facilities.
The problem is that once the captive dispensers are installed, you are totally reliant on the manufacturer for continued hand hygiene product supply as no others suppliers’ product is compatible with their dispensers.
You may have experienced the impact of supply issues due to production/service delays, lack of capacity during the pandemic, and now the withdrawal of a dominant company from the UK and EU market, GOJO.
At times like these, when supply is critical, it seems obvious that the solution is for you to move to
another known supplier. What you might not know however, is that this is likely to result in simply
changing to another tied, captive system.
This might solve the supply issue in the short term; however, it does not solve the problem in the
long term and the risk remains, compromising your position.
Surely, there must be a better way…
How can this be prevented from happening again?
You should be asking yourself the following questions to understand your level of risk:
• Is the hand hygiene consumable supply chain robust?
• Is long-term supply guaranteed?
• Is the dispenser system captive or non-captive?
• Is there a choice of hand hygiene consumables when dispensers are installed?
• What alternative hand hygiene consumables can be used in the dispensers if required?

Using an open dispensing system enables you to answer all the above questions, allowing you to
have a choice of hand hygiene consumables, together with the long-term security that a
non-captive solution brings.
For more information regarding our non-captive (open) dispensing systems and how they can help you, please contact us on: info@open-hand-solutions.com
To help determine your level of exposure, click here