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2020 has been a crazy year so far! With the current Coronavirus pandemic, it has sure changed our hygiene habits for good. Now things are starting to look more normal, and more children are returning to school.

Everyone should feel safe sending their children back to school, so we’ve put some easy health tips together to make you all feel as comfortable as possible.

Train & teach good hygiene habits!

Hygiene is now more critical than ever, and our little ones don’t always understand this! Which is why we must help them understand. By introducing regular routines, we can start their journey to excellent hygiene!

The first step is hand washing; we need to pester our children and help them make a routine. The most effective way to avoid spreading germs is correct hand washing. We all know the best way to teach children to wash their hands for longer is to teach them to sing the Happy Birthday song twice each time they wash!

We’ve put together this fun guide to show your little ones.

Soap and water are not always available, but hand gel is! Hand gel is a great alternative to keep those germs away when you don’t have access to soap and water.

Although hand gel is the best replacement, killing 99.9% of germs, we need to teach our children that when hands are visibly dirty or greasy, soap and water is required.

Now we all know coughs and sneezes spread diseases! And we need to teach our children to use a tissue when coughing/sneezing. When there are no tissues available, we should teach them to sneeze into the crook of their elbow/sleeve to prevent spreading germs.

If you know your children have allergies, make sure you’re prepared and always have medication on hand! You should be sure to send your child with tissues too.

By making our children aware of the germs and how to tackle them we can help provide a safer environment and lead towards a better health journey.

We’re a disinfectant company based in Hull. We specialise in producing hand sanitiser. Our alcohol-free hand sanitiser is the perfect new essential for your children’s school bag! Better still, you can buy in bulk from us, so if your school needs hand gel throughout, then we can help you out!